To the North Penn Community,
The month of June is typically a month of celebration however the recent horrific events in our nation have me feeling sad and frustrated. I am sad for the loss of life and I am frustrated that we are where we are as a nation in 2020. Racism continues. What can be done?
We as a nation and as a community are failing our children if we are sending them off into a world where they are judged and victimized by the color of their skin. As a school district we must amplify and strengthen our efforts to ensure equity and respect for students of every race and culture while they are under our care and as they are prepared for adulthood. This should not be just OUR priority, but that of all humanity.
As your Superintendent, you have my commitment to redouble our efforts to end racism in our schools and to promote action around diversity for our students, staff and community. I ask you to join me in being a part of impactful action to address the race issues gripping this nation and tearing us apart. Please listen to the messages of our district cultural proficiency co-chairs as they address the recent events and violence being experienced in our country. Please scroll down to view messages from Dr. Jenna Rufo and Dr. D’Ana Waters. You can also find resources on this page below to help you and your family navigate this troubling time.
Please commit to joining our North Penn Cultural Proficiency Parent Sub-committee. You can do so using the form below.
North Penn Cultural Proficiency Parent Sub-Committee Sign Up Form
I look forward to you joining us in our work on this important topic.
Dr. Curtis R. Dietrich
Superintendent, NPSD