1. What is Odyssey of the Mind?
Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving competition for students in grades K-12. It's not a math or reading program, although it is co-curricular in that students may use information or skills they've learned in school to solve their long-term problem. Five to seven students make up a team. Teams choose from 5 different types of problems: making a vehicle, building a structure, solving technical problems, exploring a classic topic from literature or history, or writing an original humorous play. A sixth problem is dedicated for K-2 students.
2. How much does it cost to fund Odyssey of the Mind?
Generally speaking, NP OM asks H&S Associations to fund the cost of a school membership. NP qualifies for a 'platinum membership' since 11 or more memberships are needed to cover all participating schools - as such, we pay the discounted rate of $190. The 'regular rate' is $290 per school membership. This is the amount requested from HSAs as a donation to the North Penn Odyssey of the Mind program. The District Coordinator contacts the president of each participating school's HSA and provides an invoice reflecting the schools memberships paid by North Penn Odyssey of the Mind. The program is grateful for HSA support!
Home and School may also choose to contribute funds to their teams for expenses of participating in the program but this is a decision to be made by each organization. Some teams receive funding in addition to the school membership from the Home and School Association, others do not.
As illustrated below, an OotM membership allows a school to have one team in each division, in each problem type. The number of teams supported by a membership depends on which grades occupy the school. Elementary schools include teams in Primary, Division I and Division II. Middle schools include teams in Division II and Division III. High School includes teams in Division III.

Other costs associated with OotM include a registration fee for each team to participate in the Southeast PA regional tournament, the cost of which is set by the SEPA organization. Teams will also incur costs associated with their long term problem solution. These costs might include supplies necessary to create costumes and props. Generally, parents share all the costs related to solving the long-term problem; costs vary by team. Teams are also invited to purchase NPSD t-shirts to be worn at the OotM competition; these shirts are designed by NP OM participants.
3. Why Should Home and School Fund Odyssey of the Mind?
There are a number of reasons why! Here are just a few!
Most Home and School organizations exist to provide important enrichment opportunities that students would not otherwise have. Most enrichment activities are extracurricular, that is, they offer learning opportunities outside of the curriculum. Odyssey of the Mind is a co-curricular activity, which means that it draws on the academic skills taught in the classroom. Every OotM problem requires research, writing, public speaking, team work and problem-solving skills of all kinds. Funding OotM provides a tremendous enrichment opportunity for students.
Odyssey of the Mind is a program for students in every grade K-12 and every academic level.
Odyssey of the Mind is an academic competition comparable to Reading Olympics. When teams compete, they represent their school.
4. Shouldn't parents pay the membership fee?
If OotM is funded privately, parents who pay for the membership are under no obligation to share information about the membership or share information about OotM as an activity. In schools where Home and School pays for the membership, there can be a designated building coordinator who promotes OotM within the school, assists with the formation of new teams, and acts as an in-school resource about the program. When Home and School pays for the membership, all students in the school have an opportunity to learn about and participate in OotM.
5. But since parents coach OotM, isn't it really more like scouts than a school activity?
No. Unlike scouts, OotM is a district-sponsored, academic activity. NPSD pays a district coordinator to promote the program, to support coaches, and conduct OotM events such as Spontaneous Fun Night. The district also recognizes successful teams with school board proclamations; proclamations are only given for district-related activities. Odyssey of the Mind is comparable to other academic competitions like Reading Olympics, Math Counts, and Academic Decathlon.
It's worth noting that Odyssey of the Mind is one of a few academic competitions open to elementary school students. And the skills they learn are sure to follow them throughout their educational experience!
For more info on the Odyssey of the Mind program, visit the international website: www.odysseyofthemind.com
For more info about North Penn Odyssey of the Mind, visit the district website: North Penn Odyssey of the Mind
If you have questions for the OotM District Coordinator, please email Joanne Wiernusz at [email protected]