The North Penn School District (NPSD) is partnering again this year with Manna on Main Street and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to offer the Summer Food Service Program locally to help bridge the hunger gap that some children may experience during the summer months and ensure that no child goes hungry when school is out.
In the NPSD, over 30 percent of students receive free and/or reduced price meals during the school year. To break that down even further, three of NPSD's elementary schools have greater than 50 percent of their population enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program. During the summer, these boys and girls - and all children - need continued access to affordable, nutritious meals. The Summer Food Service Program is a federally funded program that is cost neutral to the NPSD. The Summer Food Service Program allows summer camps, park programs, daycares and other sites to offer combinations of free breakfasts, lunches and/or snacks between June 21 and August 17, 2018.
This program has grown exponentially since its inception in the NPSD during the summer of 2014. This year, the Summer Food Service Program is serving at over 40 sites in the Lansdale area. This is a reflection of the need in this community and that more children are benefitting from the program each year.
In addition to these locations, the NPSD mobile meal van will be on the go delivering free, nutritious meals Monday through Friday to four high-need areas in the community including Hatfield Community Park at 11:00 am, Oak Park at 11:45 am, Knapp at 12:30 pm and York Avenue at 1:15 pm. All children through age 18 can visit the trucks at these locations to enjoy a free, healthy lunch to fuel their summer day. By bringing meals to children in their neighborhoods, the mobile meal van reduces food access barriers and helps ensure that children are receiving nutritious meals in the North Penn region.
The NPSD is proud to partner with Manna on Main Street and the USDA to provide healthy, nutritious meals to students in need in the North Penn community all summer long.
Mobile Meal Vans can be found at the following locations from June 21 to August 17, Monday through Friday at specified times below:
Hatfield Community Park (Near Hatfield Village Apartments)
1950 School Road, Hatfield
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Oak Park Elementary School
500 Squirrel Lane, Lansdale
11:45 am - 12:15 pm
Knapp Elementary School
698 Knapp Road, Lansdale
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
York Avenue Elementary School
700 York Avenue, Lansdale
1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
For more information about the Summer Food Service Program, please contact Melissa Harding at [email protected].