The North Penn School District (NPSD) Board of School Directors appointed two assistant superintendents at its action meeting on Thursday, June 21, 2018. Dr. Diane Holben, the current assistant superintendent, announced she is retiring from NPSD in August to begin a career in higher education.
"Dr. Holben has spent the last eight years at the academic helm of the school district," said Dr. Curtis R. Dietrich, NPSD Superintendent. "During that time, Diane has worked tirelessly to improve services and programs for our students, resulting in academic achievement for all."
As NPSD currently works to develop a strategic plan for the next three years, it became clear that two assistant superintendents were necessary. With the multitude of goals to be accomplished and the size of the school district, Dr. Dietrich and the school board felt the responsibilities needed to be shared by the two positions to propel NPSD forward.
At June's school board action meeting, Dr. Jenna Rufo, the current NPSD Director of Special Education and Student Services, and Dr. Todd Bauer, current North Penn High School Principal, were approved as the recommended candidates for the assistant superintendent positions. Effective, July 15, 2018, Dr. Rufo and Dr. Bauer will work together and in conjunction with the superintendent on the oversight of both instructional and other related needs of the school district.
Dr. Rufo's varied responsibilities will include professional development, school safety, mental health, strategic planning and cultural proficiency. She will work with the school board through the Education/Community/Policy Committee and will work with other administrators in the oversight of special education, student services, curriculum, student discipline, grades K-6 program evaluation and more. Dr. Rufo will also work directly with the continued exploration of a full-day kindergarten for NPSD.
Dr. Bauer's varied responsibilities will include assessment, accountability, school board policy review, summer school, program of studies, and redistricting if needed. He will work with other administrators in the oversight of athletics, extra-duty contracts, building renovations, technology, student discipline, grades 7-12 program evaluation and more.
Administrative responsibilities are being reorganized to support the model of having two assistant superintendent positions, with minimal additional funds needed for this organizational change. With these changes and with investing close to $2 million in new instructional and support positions across the school district, we are poised to meet the needs of our staff and students.