Cash Back Programs

Most of the following collection programs merely require that you clip, save and drop off items that are already part of your routine purchases. You can send them in with your student or drop them off in the main office.


Box Tops for Education offers easy ways to earn cash for our school through everyday activities like buying groceries and shopping online - all at no additional cost to you. Clip Box Tops from hundreds of participating products. They are worth 10¢ each. Shop your favorite online stores at the Box Tops Marketplace, at Up to 8% of each qualifying purchase is donated to our school.

save a tape

Redner's Save-A-Tape program will donate 1% of your grocery bill to Penndale Home & School if you donate your grocery store receipts to us. To participate in this program, simply ask your cashier for a Save-A-Tape Program Card. There are no forms to fill out! Then, each time you shop, simply give the cashier your card. **Submit the entire register receipt.

We are accepting online donations via PayPal! This is a great way for you and your out-of-town friends and family to donate to Penndale Home & School Association in support of our Penndale children!

Click below to donate!

Donate here

Thank you for your help and support!