What does NJHS stand for?
What is NJHS?
Why should I be a member of NJHS?
Being a member of NJHS not only results in self pride and accomplishment, but also proves to others that you are a dedicated, hardworking, and self-motivated person who puts the needs of others first.
Who are the NJHS advisors?
Who can qualify for NJHS?
Am I notified if I qualify for NJHS?
Can I still be accepted into NJHS even if I haven't volunteered that much before?
Where can I obtain an application and when is it due?
When do I find out if I was accepted into NJHS?
Is there a special occasion for the new members of NJHS?
Of course! On or about the 3rd week of January, new NJHS inductees will be recognized at an induction ceremony held in Penndale's auditorium at 7:00pm. However, inductees are required to report to the cafeteria by 6:15pm.
Do I have to reapply to be in NJHS in ninth grade if I was inducted in eighth grade?
What are some things NJHS does as a group?
How often do we meet?
What happens if I don't meet the service hour requirements?
Can my membership in NJHS be revoked if my grades drop below the required cumulative 4.0 GPA?
What are the expectations for NJHS?
The expectations for NJHS are very high as this organization is highly regarded and constantly works to exemplify the noteworthy students in Penndale. Poor behavior, both in and out of school, is frowned upon and will result in serious consequences as members of NJHS, who are examples of extraordinary students and citizens, should always be going above and beyond in whatever they do. Members will be expected to participate in as many service opportunities as possible and never settle for the bare minimum.
How do I find out about and sign up for service events?
After you obtain a Sign-Up Genius account, which you will create at an NJHS meeting shortly after induction, you will receive emails notifying you of upcoming events. After deciding whether or not you are able to offer you time for the event, you may sign up on the website and refer to the posted information for further instruction.
What if I sign up for an event, but realize later that I can't attend?
Cancelling your submission to attend a service event is not recommended. The organizer is counting on your pledge to be there and your absence could greatly impact the event. By signing up for events, you are putting the needs of others before yours, which ultimately illustrates why you deserve to be in NJHS. However, if you absolutely must cancel, you may do this on the sign up.
Will my membership in NJHS at Penndale carry over to NHS, National Honor Society, at North Penn High School?
Who can I contact if I have any questions that weren't listed above?